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Lincoln Bell
Lincoln Bell

Teens Gone Wild

As Jesus' favorite and most powerful teaching tactic was the parable, it is appropriate that Mary Kassian walks the reader through the compelling tale of the wild versus wise woman found in Proverbs 7. By using 20 points of contrast, she helps readers discern wild from wise, saucy from biblically savvy, and more.

teens gone wild

"Girls today are growing up in a culture where "bad" has become the new "good." The glamorization of bad behavior among young women has become the new norm and left in its wake a tremendous amount of fall-out and misery. Mary has penned a handbook for reversing the tide of the girls-gone-wild trend and replacing it with a new rank of girls-gone-wise. I can't wait to recommend this book!" -- Vicki Courtney, best-selling author of Your Girl and 5 Conversations You Must Have With Your Daughter

"This book sounds a clear and much-needed message regarding the ethics of biblical womanhood. Mary Kassian's energy and passion make it a readable book. Her eye-opening contrast between the wise and the wild make it a convicting book. Her faithfulness to Scripture makes it a compelling book." -- Susan Hunt, author and consultant for Women's Ministries for the Presbyterian Church in America

The cautionary tales of college girls gone wild got what might be their first historiographical treatment from Nerve's Annsley Chapman, who critiques what she refers to as the "Concerned Writers of America" who have been wringing their hands over the loose hips and looser lips of America's young, sexually liberated women. A recent graduate herself and one who sees all the worry about college students attending ho parties to give dudes blow jobs in the bathroom as so much fluff about nothing, she argues that a) women aren't having more sex than previous generations but, rather, just aren't embarrassed to talk about it, and b) many women who may seem to fit the stereotype of brainless party girls are forgoing romance and serious relationships to focus on their careers (just as many young men have always done).

We are no longer living in a world where we have to rely on one creepy tan guy to dole out jiggly treats to an eager, gazongas-starved audience. GGW launched in 1997, a time when, if you wanted some soft-core fondling action, you had to order a DVD. A DVD! That was long before Skype, before the iPhone, before WorldStarHipHop, before Side Boob Daily, aka HuffPo. Now, you want to see girls? Going wild? Yeah, it's called the Internet.

Still, though, what made these youngsters so susceptible to this ridiculous belief that Slender Man was real and that they needed to commit a murder to please him? Are they more depraved or deluded? Evil or idiotic? Did one girl lead the other astray in a case of peer pressure gone wild? 041b061a72


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